

 Ueno Farm

For a fusion of English-style gardens with Hokkaido’s plant life, head to Ueno Farm.

By Elizabeth Sok

Although it was known as a dairy farm for much of its history, Ueno Farm transformed in the early 2000s. Since then, it has become synonymous with the Hokkaido-style garden, which draws on English inspiration and northern flora.  At the turn of the millennium, Ueno Farm’s owner, Ueno Sayuki, traveled to the UK to study English-style gardening. Returning to Hokkaido, she aimed to create a version of the gardens she toured in England. Over the last 20 years, the garden at Ueno Farm has steadily developed and gained fame for the site and Ueno herself, who is recognized as a pioneer of Hokkaido-style gardens.

Ueno Farm’s Ten Zones

Photo by: PIXTA/ はーる The Gnome Garden

Ueno Farm is divided into ten separate spaces, which are connected via several paths. Mimicking English-style gardens, the farm uses stone walls, fences and plant life to distinguish one area from the next. The Gnome Garden features wildflowers and grasses surrounding a Gnome’s home. Wild in appearance, this area is meant to have a fantastical vibe. According to Ueno, gnomes come out at night to tend to the garden.

The Mirror Border has two walls of plants on either side of a stone path stretching out to a single bench. The flora here has been planted symmetrically so each wall of greenery matches the one facing it.

Another popular spot is Shateki Mountain. Once used as a shooting range by Japanese soldiers, it is now a panoramic vantage point overlooking the mountains of the Kamikawa Basin. The top of the hill is notable for its arrangement of seven colorful chairs from which to enjoy the scenery.

Seasonal Flowers

Photo by: PIXTA/ 東洋 Feel like you’re in a picture book.

Ueno Farm has flowers that bloom throughout the year. In late April, the base of Shateki Mountain has wild grasses emerging from the cold months while Christmas roses and narcissus begin to flower elsewhere. In June, temperatures begin to rise, and ornamental onions appear, especially in the Gnome’s Garden. With the gnome house in the background, the flowering plants transform this area into an even more magical setting. When the weather begins to cool off in the autumn months, visit Ueno Farm for its changing foliage, dahlias and autumn roses.